Tuesday, April 24, 2012


There is a difference between BEING and HAVING! You can HAVE everything, all the money all the fame and all the power in the world, even all the money fame and  power in the universe, in the all the known and yet to be discovered solar systems, but what would be your defense to someone, anyone, even insignificant, little old me making the statement "Before you can HAVE  anything, you first must BE! Your HAVING is premature to your BEING, so instead of HAVING money fame and power, the money fame and power HAS you! HA HA" !

All that the so called "HAVER"/OWNER of everything can do is use his/her money fame and power to REACT to the WORDS of the "nobody" who had caused him/her disrtess. Mr or Ms powerful, has shown that words are more powerful than the sword! Yes, Mr. or Ms powerful can order that the offensive, obnoxious speaker of thewords be silenced, neutralized, removed, even assasinated, but the words wil still remain in Mr./Ms Powerfuls head. Also whoever is saddled with silencing, censoring the nobody will know that Mror Ms Powerfule has at least a chink, if not an entirely invisible emporers suit of no clothes on at all!

From then on, Mr. or Ms Powerful is defensive, all the time, either hearing the spoken, or  they  could have been even written words, sent, etc. to Mr or Ms. Powerful (Perhaps a better strategy than Mr. or Ms  Nobody placing themselves in fron of Mr or Ms Powerful in the first place, bcause their absence goes a long way towards preventing Mr. or Ms Nobody from being killed in their presence!

Now, Mr or Ms Powerful has to either distract themselves from the piercing words, or ignore that these words ever were heard in the first place. This is half heartedly done by saying that the words came from nobody, so the words meant nothing. Or that the words were just words,  and that money fame and power were real, because look at what can be done with money fame and power!

Mr or Ms Powerful, then goes about trying to prove to him or herself, that money fame and power is more powerful than the words that seemed to take away money fame and powers' well, power. S/he funds a foundation to stop all thinking from going on, by having everyone become drugged with  AMOS in the water supply so that everyone sleeps even while awake!

1 comment:

  1. You may be asking, well what does this have to do with the title of the blog "Retro Youth Drug"? Well, Before you can BE young or old for that matter you first must be. The purpose of this blog is to develop awareness that we ALL may be, at best, just PRACTICING to BE, regardless of our age! In otherwords, being alive is a relative issue, if someone, anyone can make us defensive with words! If some one can make you DEFEND the fact or make you even question the fact that you ARE alive or that you are only RELATIVELY alive then how can there BE any ABSOLUTE ANYTHING? How can there be n absolute right or absolute wrong, if we are, or can be, made to be even a TEENSEY TINY bit defensive about being ABSOLUTELY alive? The best answer I have come up with, is that only HUMOR can save us from this seriousness!lol And perhaps, just perhaps, there is the possibility of ABSOLUTE humor, that as a side effect reverses all limitations, (attitudinally if not actually, and perhaps attitudinal change CAN ACTUALLY< FACTUALLY make our brains fuction optimally such that there is a retro youth drug effect, PHYSICALLY) because with absolute humor you can be free from all the reletive limitations, social cultural and communicational, especially when andif you laugh spontaneouslu, like as in :laugh before you laugh!
